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Writer's picturedevaanshmann836

Global Terrorism

In the extract about Global Terrorism defines terrorism in many ways. Spreading fear, terror, hate, distress of any kind is also considered to be terrorism. A leading expert on terrorism argues that terrorism is difficult to define because terrorism is social construction, which is relative to time and place. There are many factors that lead to terrorism, meaning that many situations or circumstances lead to terrorism. I will be listing some major factors leading to terrorism. Poverty is widely perceived as the root of terrorism. Because of poverty people start to find ways of earning money, be it a good way or a bad way. Many end up joining a terrorist organization or doing something unacceptable. Other factors include, globalization, which is a major actor in global terrorism, legitimate grievances and the failure of governments to address these problems often foment terrorism, Humiliation is another conducive factor to the use of terrorism, the lack of democracy, and widespread and systematic violations of the human rights contribute to the rise of terrorism. The foreign policies also contribute in the growth of terrorism.

The goals and strategies, and weapons of terrorism vary from group to group and from one period of history to another. Strategies are adobted by the terrorists to create an environment of fear and insecurity to undermine the people's faith and confidence in the government. Their weapons differ according to theri goals, available technology and the resources. But the poeple or organizations who should also be considered as terrorists are the ones who provide the terrorist organizations with finances, funds the terrorists, provide them with weapons, with technology, and training. Contributions from individuals and groups are a major source of income of the terrorists. Not only contributions, but also things like trading, criminal activities, loots too fund terrorists and terrorism.

The cost of terrorism is virtually impossible to meausre as it is so vast and comlex. It affects everyone in many ways. Individuals are affected a lot, they loose their lives, have social and psychological instability, and even physical problems. Econimic costs are nearly impossible to keep a track of because of it reaching to a point where it could reach to billions of dollars. Goevrnments are also affected by terrorism as they have to increase the resources to fight against terrorism which costs the government a heafty amount. There are many other kinds of costs that the democracy has to pay to fight terrorism. There are many kinds of terrorism as explained in the extract. Explaining them in detail would be a hassle in the blog, so I will be listing them in the passage and make them easy to understand. The first one being Domestic Terrorism. It occurs within the borders of a particular country and is associated with extremist groups. Nationalist Terrorism is closely associated with struggles for political autonomy and independence. Religious Terrorism comes out from the people who are in extreme fundamentalist religious groups. State Terrorism is cold, calculated, efficient and extremely destructive form os terrorism, because of the overwhelming power at the disposal of governments. Last being Global Terrorism, it is partly an outgrowth of the forces of globalization, which enable the different kinds of terrorism to spread worldwide.

According to the extract, every country respond and fight against terrorism in their own way and with the own strategy dpending upon the situation, intensity, amount, and consition of terrorism. Different countries use different weapons to fight against terrorism so it is difficult to conclude that what major weapons are used in combatting terrorism. Each and every country is particular about protecting the nation and its people, so the countries have been protecting the democracy in their own way. And I guess all those countires are doing a great job by doing it!

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